Saturday 28 December 2019

A Katou Christmas

To wrap up this festive collection is a rather novel piece featuring the Katou Twins!

Inspired by a drawing base, this two paneled strip tells tale of the time that Jirou got a rather shocking surprise for his brother. The more reserved Ichirou was least of all to expect that the giant box in their room would contain a dancer! Alannah Sugar would dance private around Christmas time for the extra money towards Christmas shopping. But Ichirou was having none of it and immediately censored her, trapping her arm in the process!

With all of the Christmassy art out of the way, I need to inform you of a few changes that are coming to Droey's Draws in the new year. The schedule is changing and now I will be releasing content weekly. In addition to this, I will be launching the official Droey's Draws Instagram where the latest content will be uploaded. The content you see on this blog is not likely to be uploaded to Instagram and the YouTube channel may be taking a break in order to make way for my college work. I hope to keep the channel up and not to abandon it completely so in the same case as with Instagram, I'll be uploading when I can.

Look forward to another year of Droey's Draws content, however you chose to follow the journey. Hope you have been enjoying Christmas and that a happy new year awaits you!

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