Saturday 7 December 2019

Mistletoe Kiss

If you're a reoccurring visitor to this blog, you're most probably aware of John's interest in Ida. So who do I chose to draw when I think about a mistletoe kiss? John Esposito  and a confused but amused Ida Noe.

John has planted some mistletoe in a room and waited for Ida to come in and step underneath. As soon as he noticed that she stood beneath his cheeky trap John rushed over and gave Ida a surprise hug, followed by a kiss which landed on her cheek. Ida was indeed taken by surprise and amused by his actions, even tickled slightly.

I did this piece in a comic panel style because I hadn't done anything like that in a while and thought it would make a nice change. The colouring was done in watercolour pencil as this is a medium I hadn't used for a while and the colours are mostly bright in my collection. Despite the lack of skin-toned pencils in this collection I think I did very well to match the skin tone of John Esposito. For Ida's skin it was easier as I had a terracotta which did the job.

Coming up with story ideas is not as easy as illustration ideas which is why I've been struggling to anything in comic format lately, but I want to get back into it. Hopefully this will be the start of that coming back, time will tell!

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