Wednesday 1 January 2020

Droey's 2020 Vision + Meet The Artist

Welcome to 2020! Got a couple of things for you today. First of all is my revamped #meettheartist profile with a brand new look for Droey Drawson! The next thing is a couple of changes that will be happening on this blog.

So what's new with Droey's image? Well over the past few years his beard (or goatee as it gets called) has grown out to the point where three hair strands no longer justify it! Another change to the hair is that I keep my hair in a ponytail these days, it stops the hair getting in my face on a windy day. The majority of the costume has also changed. I'm now sporting my favourite blue hoodie and a blue jumper underneath. Between these two layers is the spoon shirt, but not as we know it; the shirt is red and white instead of blue and silver!

So what about these changes to the blog? Well Droey's Draws has been on a bumpy ride lately, as not only is there a lot of manage single-handedly but I am also studying art in college and need to make my time available for other commitments as well. In order to keep up with both college and Droey's Draws, the following changes will or should be taking place:

  • Content will be posted weekly on Saturdays for the blog.
  • In light of YouTube's COPPA law, the channel will be taking a hiatus so no new videos will be released for the time being.
  • My main platforms are changing to Instagram and Wix. Both by now are active and are to replace activity on the blog by 2021.

With an active wixsite which provides links to all of my social media and can potentially support it's own blog service, the need for a separate blog site feels redundant and so I shall be playing about with the idea of running a new blog there. This blog shall remain open so that the three-four years of content released is not lost. By then the blog will likely be a place where news is posted, with Instagram being the main place for artwork to be viewed. If you do not have Instagram access but are with Facebook then you should not be missing out as the accounts are linked.

The goal here is to eventually abolish the schedule and post content as and when I can, so that I can prioritize my college work. On top of that I will be reducing the amount of pages I have to manage which will allow me to get stuff done faster, and ideally with a lot less writing. I doubt an artist can justify every one of their works with paragraphs of writing!

This is not the end of Droey's Draws and nothing is being scrapped, this is just a step in another direction in the hopes of achieving new goals. Droey's Draws has always been focused on the journey of an artist that that journey requires me to move along. To those who have faithfully followed this blog so far, I thank you and assure that this supposed last year of content will still be enjoyable as the rest!

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