Saturday 25 January 2020

Teenage Ninja Mutant Gorgeous Zebras

I have waited ages to get around to this! But at last the prompt suggested by Draw With Jazza has been fulfilled!

Jazza prompted us to design the Teenage Ninja Mutant Gorgeous Zebras, so I have done just that! Although what with Metazoomans being a thing, it's difficult to visually distinguish a mutant from an anthropomorphic animal, so I've tired my best to make them look mutant without losing the gorgeous element.

Firstly there's Edwardo the blue Zebra. This guy leads the team and wields a Dragon sword. What distinguishes him as a mutant is how he has a couple of tentacles that have grown out from his neck. It looks to be that he was formerly a Metazooman Zebra prior to this, so tentacles aside he is still seen as quite a catch!

The quartet's only girl is Pauline who works with a Han-bo and is the smartest of her group. She's good at problem solving but lacks physical strength given that when mutated her hands became Zebra tails! This make it difficult for her to do certain activities and is what has made her focus on growth of the mind.

The most obviously mutated member is Allen the yellow Zebra. He used to be human but got mutated and grew Zebra features, more dominantly below the waist. He thinks his new look is cute and doesn't want to change back, especially now he is part of an awesome ninja group! He wields twin Kama which he stores in a belt strapped to his right leg.

Lastly, and perhaps my favourite design, is Horace the red Zebra. With hooves for hands and a Chigi-riki, this guy certainly makes up the muscle of the team. This guy was just a Zebra to start with and still hasn't grasped any human languages so he lets his muscles do the talking. Horace is loyal to Edwardo and follows his word without slack or question.

So we've got these four ninjas, but do they fight crime? No sightings of Ninja activity have been spotted yet so it can only be assumed they're a social group as opposed to a fighting team- for now...

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