Saturday 18 January 2020

Lodgers Of The Lighthouse

Here's two new characters, setting course for the home of one you're definitely familiar with.

The sea air was making Finley feel nostalgic. He never recalled living near the sea but he had family who lived below the sea level and had often visited them with his family. He wasn't able to enjoy his surroundings to the full however, his rucksack's weight was finally starting to take a toll on him.

'Gee Bri, how much further do we need to go?'

'Almost there, we should be able to see the house from the top of this hill.' Finley's companion responded. Bri and Finley were roomates who met in their previous home, but with their tenant becoming corrupt with greed, the duo decided to leave for somewhere new. The best offer that seemed to be going was accommodation in a lighthouse just of the coast of Jansterwick. Bri was getting tired as well as she dragged her suitcase while looking at the map on her phone.

'I see something!' Finley chirped. 'But it doesn't look like any lighthouse I've ever seen.' As Finley and Bri proceeded up the slope, they could see just what Finley meant. It was the lighthouse, but it's roof structure had two giant horns mounted ontop of it. Otherwise the lighthouse has a rather conventional looking design and was enclosed in a small fortress. The fortress was like a small island off the coast, there was no way to get there by foot.

'Well this seems to be the place, but how are we supposed to get in? More to the point how can we even let the tenant know we're here?' Bri pondered and began to think of a solution. 'Maybe he'll hear our voices if we call out.'

'Or I could swim up to the house?' Finley pointed out. Without hesitation or approval Finley marched on to swim, but Bri grabbed him by the rucksack to put to stop to his plan.

'Hold it, goldfish brain.' she sighed. 'You don't want to wear that while you're swimming.' She pointed to Fin's heavy rucksack.

'I'm a strong fella for my size!' Finley proudly stated.

'And a dim one too, take it off.' Finley was indeed strong, but he also knew that Bri knew better than him and so did as she said. If it wasn't for her they wouldn't even have known about the lighthouse.

Without the weight of the rucksack, Finley swam up to the lighthouse as Bri waited. A few minuets later, a swan boat peddled up to the shore with a raft close by. The raft was pushed by Finley while the swan boat was captained by a middle-aged moth with four arms. He was dressed for show, bearing a helmet and a cape. As he arrived to shore and Bri walked down to him, the moth man  stood up and stretched his arms out into the air.

'Lady and Metazooman gentleman; you are about to enter the estate of evil, the loathsome lair of the lighthouse, the central headquarters of the Convolvulous Hawk!' declared the tenant. Finley looked excited by this introduction, but Bri immediately saw why their new home was so cheap.

'Oh give me strength. Why do I get the feeling a normal day is about to become a distant memory?' she thought to herself.

So it looks like Agrius Moth is about to get some company in his home, how will they adapt to living around Agrius' evil agenda? Stick around on the blog and maybe you'll find out in the future!

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