Saturday 11 January 2020

Albiona's Friend

It's safe to say Albiona is a very shy girl, giving us little to no opportunity to see her coming out of her shell. She's got a friend however who's a bit more comfortable coming out of her shell, meet Blanc Borror.

This was a quick and fun piece to compose, it started out as just drawing Albiona and Blanc and then I got out some art tools and had a bit more fun. I should do my research since I can't figure out the name of the tools I used; they're those curvy stencil like pieces that allow you to draw all sorts of elipses, circles and curves. I used these to create the shapes used as an abstract background. It certainly beats my traditional squared backgrounds and looks very interesting!

Blanc is part of an art trade in which myself and another artist drew our likenesses in our own style. You may know Blanc more familiarly as BlankERROR on YouTube; she does cool animations and composes stunning artwork. Check out her channel sometime!

Do you have a friend that you want to draw? Or are you and a friend interested in doing an art trade? It's a fun excerise that only allows you to grow as an artist but allows you to please a friend with your artistic talents, it's great fun and something I've always wanted to do!

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