Saturday 30 November 2019


It's Movember, but someone's lost their facial hair! Who do you think is responsible?

Agrius Moth has taken some hair removal cream and used it on Droey's facial hair! Poor Droey is not happy about being baby-faced. Agrius Moth on the other hand has an impressive head of facial hair which he has grown out for this month. But the truth is that he's actually purchased some false facial hair and stuck it to his face! He's trying to convince people that it all just grew overnight!

This illustration was done in my toned sketchbook which I wanted to play around with. It's done wonders on Droey's skin. Of course I was going to do an illustration with white elements in a toned sketchbook. Unfortunately the blacks seemed to come out in a dark grey which was not intentional. This could be because I did not place enough black pigment down or that it is the paper causing this change in colour. For Droey's shirt I took the 'baby-face' idea and designed a Teletubbies themed shirt with the baby sun on the shirt.

That's all for this piece, but as you may know this is the last post of November. Normally this would mean you're in for a Santa and Elle series but there has been a change of plans this year.

For the past two years we have had the Santa and Elle series which has entertained readers and art fans alike. Unfortunately this will not be renewed for a third year, at least not this year. Instead we'll be focusing on the main Droey's Draws cast going about their festive activities, posted according to the regular schedule. I'd like to be able to focus on Elle the elf but I'm going to need more time to prepare a third series of escapades for her and I'd rather give you 25 decent stories than 25 poorly written, rushed ones. All the same, I hope you enjoy this year's festive content!

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