Wednesday 20 November 2019

Don't Move Jirou!

Don't move Jirou, there's a spider on your head!

Jirou has a phobia of spiders. He was having a chat with Anne Natalie, trying to impress her, when Ichirou noticed that there was a Spider crawling on Jirou's hat. Ichirou tapped Anne and eyed the spider with a smirk on his face. Anne noticed but didn't know about Jirou's phobia.

'Oh goodness, how did that get there?' Anne asked when she noticed the spider. Jirou was puzzled.

'How did what get where?' he asked. 'There's nothing on my handsome face is there?' Jirou felt around his face and there was nothing different. 'My clothes?' all of the sudden Jirou was frisking all over his clothes to check for any specs of dirt or anything that might spoil his looks. Ichirou tried not to laugh but let out a little snort. Jirou looked up, glaring at his twin. 'It's my hat isn't it?' Jirou stood up and was about to feel over his hat when Anne grabbed a hold of his arm.

'Careful, don't hurt it!' Jriou's eye widened with fear, he now had a good assumption of what was on his hat.

'Ichirou, Anne, is there a spider on my head?' Ichirou tried so hard not to chuckle but failed to properly fake a serious tone. 'There is isn't there?' Anne firmly placed her hand on Jirou's shoulder and gave him a stern look.

'Don't move Jirou! Let me get it.' Anne gently brushed the spider off Jirou's hat as he winced with fear. He was also rather embarrassed about being made to look cowardly in front of Anne Natalie. Ichirou grinned for a long time afterwards, he'd been given his entertainment.

This would have probably been better to show up around Halloween time, but better late than never eh? In any case Christmas isn't so far away, so I'm sure all the spooky vibes will be gone by then. Stick around for more Droey's content!

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