Wednesday 6 November 2019

Rosie Quill

Recently we saw Droey and Co going to Comic-Con and one of the celebrities there was known as the voice of a fictional character, let's take a deeper look into that shall we?

This is Rosie Quill, the hedgehog with a hammer. The game is rather simple, you explore a fictional world dominated by robotic bat creatures and smash them up with your hammer. Rosie is a feisty hedgehog with a remorseless sense of humour who is out to seek the attention of her idol the Robat Ruler. Will be be able to escape her clutches, it's up to you to see that he doesn't!

What does this concept remind you of? Could it be Sonic the Hedgehog? Well you'd be very right if that was your guess! I based most of the visual concept on Sonic the Hedgehog with Gotham elements inspired by it's city and Harley Quinn. The plot is merged with Sonic's to suit the personality of a Harley Quinn like character. The environment was mostly made to look more urban, with this interesting quirk of traffic lights in the ground that release spikes!

Would you play this if it was a real game? I'd certainly be interested in giving it a shot! If you're stuck for drawing ideas maybe you can parody an existing property or draw some fan art, it could be rather fun.

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