Saturday 23 November 2019

One Colour Challenge | Seance

There isn't really a story to this piece, it was just a fun idea I wanted to try since I have been pretty busy lately. So here's a few characters at a seance.

From left to right this piece features the Weirdo with no name, Foxy Archi, Witch, Sabine and Mona Mohawke; the latter two I haven't drawn in a while so I thought I'd bring them back.

I didn't intend for this to become a one colour challenge, but because of how busy I had been lately I was hoping to get this artwork done as soon as possible. I wasn't even sure on what mediums to use for colouring this piece until I decided to use pencil but with only one hue. A total of four pencils were used in this piece, all shades of purple; the line art was done with a purple pen.

I think this allowed me to effectively show my understanding of tonal studies with the one light source coming from the sphere. I almost convinced myself to put some yellow in this piece for the lighter areas but decided against it as I felt this piece was fine just being purple.

Have you tried the one colour challenge? Give it a go, use any colour you fancy!

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