Saturday 2 November 2019

Ida's Hat

For Comic-Con, Ida dyed some of her hair black to fit with her Harley Quinn costume. Now she has gone and dyed it fully black and is experimenting with a new style!

Ida found a pink hat with a white brim and she loved it, but she didn't think it complimented her red hair. Now her hair was black it felt right for her to buy the pink hat and she had no regrets. Ida loved her new look and was sure to let people see her new hat. A lot of people struggled to recognize her initially because they were so used to seeing Ida's distinct, red ponytail over the rather plain looking black pigtails. Even though John claims to adore the new look, a lot of people could tell he missed the ponytail more. Will Ida consider reverting back to her old look?

For this piece I sketched using a pink ballpoint pen, the results are so much more beautiful if you sketch with them rather than draw over pencil, I think I'll drop that method from now on. There are just some forms of media that should not be mixed together. Have you ever learned that the hard way what supplied do and don't go together? Share your artsy mishap stories, I'm sure we all have several!

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