Wednesday 2 October 2019

Big Foot At A Bus Stop

Do you remember Lou from the Sbookies last year? For those of you who don't, this is Big Foot and he's been spotted out in public!

It's been a tiring day for Lou as he decided to catch some breath at a bus stop. Normally he's very shy and doesn't like to be seen around people, he wishes he was as hard to find as the still yet to be found Princess Sketch. But Lou was so tired today he couldn't care, which meant the weirdo with no name was stood right next to him! She didn't seem to care that Big Foot was sat on the ground next to her, she was more interested in what was happening on her phone screen. Once the first bus arrived, Lou was back to being on his own, though he was fast asleep by this point! Lou would go home, tomorrow.

I really loved the concept for this piece, but hated the execution. The line art, particularly on the weirdo with no name was terrible (hence he switch to denim trousers instead of her usual skirt). To try and make up for this I decided to experiment with the colouring. So while Lou is given his official colour scheme, the rest of the illustration follow the five colour pattern from our weirdo's hair. The missing poster was a last minute touch that helped to make this illustration more interesting. It gives us a piece featuring three characters, all of which he haven't seen in a while.

Will we ever find the missing Princess Sketch? Maybe one day you'll find the answers on this blog!

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