Saturday 5 October 2019

Hair I Am Again

A long time ago Droey had a hair cut and the xevered hair made it's own way into the big wide world. Now over two years later, he's returned!

This short comic strip was a chance to Lottie and Lexi a bit of attention, and for Droey to wear one of his many shirts. Those of you who have been around since the beginning may recognize both the shirt and the hair, as both of them have appeared on this blog before. But a lot of happened since then, both in and outside of their fictional universe, so when I had to urge to bring someone back, it felt like the right time for the hair to return.

The only panels I'm not so happy with are the two smaller panels from the top right, I feel that they do not successfully capture Droey's expressions the way I intended them to, thus cramping the illustrations. A minor issue in the last panel is that I think Lexi is too large compared to the other characters, but aside from these features I've pointed out I'm really happy with how this comic strip turned out.

Have you ever had an old friend or relative come back into your life? Maybe you have an OC who hasn't met with someone in a while, it might prompt some art to develop your characters.

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