Saturday 19 October 2019

The Greatest Showmoth!

Ladies and gents, this is the moment's he's waited for. Well, it's at least a moment for Agrius Moth to be in the spotlight again as the first ever illustration I have done on toned paper!

This was an illustration idea I had been wanting to do for a while, I also wanted to find a toned paper sketchbook because I think it will benefit my ability to experiment and to shade. When I saw the chance to bring this piece to life I could tell from the moment I put pencil to paper that doing so on this toned paper would be perfect.

As you can see I went a little overboard with the white. White is something that can't be used so well on white paper, for obvious reasons. This makes toned paper a white pencil's best friend, and I went wild with it! There's several areas I used a white pencil to shade with, it also looked a lot brighter before I introduce the white pen to this illustration. I used the white pen strictly for the shiny highlights and the outermost edge of Argius, then the decorative elements in the background.

Agrius was coloured in with pencils while the background used two cool coloured crayola pens. I chose a dark blue and a lime green for the spotlight, referring to phrase 'stealing the limelight'. The pencil work on Agrius stayed on the warmer end of the colour spectrum, using colours from his original palette such as red and gold.

Have you done any illustrations or sketches with toned paper? If you get the chance, even if the paper's just coloured, give it a shot because you might broaden your horizons. I'll certainly have the chance to do that in this new sketchbook!

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