Wednesday 23 October 2019

Take A Seat, Droey Drawson

Droey's in a spot of bother, the chairs have gained sentience and they're sick of Droey sitting on them!

This was a funny idea I had going in my head for months, as an inside joke has developed that chairs are out to get me. So at last they're coming to get Droey! This was an interesting challenge as without any organic features, getting chairs to express feelings or emotion is quite difficult. Quinman provides a similar challenge but he has a human body, the chairs are a completely different story! The  expressions had to be left to the legs, how each chair stood. So for the green chair confronting Droey it made sense for it to be leaning forward and facing upwards to demonstrate authority. The grey chair behind Droey was an easier task as all I had to do was pose it to be ready for someone to park their rear.

I was going to stick with Magicfly markers for this illustration but the background felt too bland so I decided to use coloured pencils. The pencils were also used to add shading to Droey's skin and white accessories. I've been using Magicfly markers for a year now and I think the quality of their performance may have dropped since. The ink is streaker and I've had a couple of cases when the paint is liquidy enough to bleed or darken the tone greatly, which luckily did not happen in this piece!

This illustration was recorded for YouTube, here's the video!

*youtube video

Will Droey escape the wrath of the chairs? Well if you don't see him again you know that they've gotten him, but I'm sure Droey will be back again soon, hopefully you will be too!

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