Wednesday 25 September 2019

That Time Jazza Trusted Us With Photoshop | PART THREE

Ages ago Jazza set up an art challenge for us to Photoshop him in whatever way we pleased in order to roast him. I took this opportunity at the time but never shared the work I had done! So after over a year in hiding here is one of three pieces that I created.

Out of the three I created, this is the obvious favourite and a perfect choice for a grand finale to this trilogy!

You may notice, I actually gave time and effort to this piece, but I also used every single Jazza that we were provided with! The stage background was sampled from Google Images and was a perfect set up for my intention, a performance of Jazzas with no control!

I think it took about an hour to decide where each Jazza would be placed though for some of them it such as the airborne Jazzas it was pretty easy. I knew I wanted the screaming Jazza to be center stage and that the Jazzas which were cut at the hips would have to be scattered among the seats. As each Jazza was applied it was becoming easier to see which Jazzas would go where and who they would interact with.

Effects were applied not to just the Jazzas but the piece overall, after I knew where each Jazza was going. I was using effects such as gradient overlays, satin and the inner glows. The colours I would use to apply these effects were golds and browns so that everything would blend with the background stage; in hindsight it was like a long version of using the colour balance tool.

Looking back on these, it resembles one of the those renaissance paintings where it's hard to tell what is happening, but brought into a modern light. I remember having tremendous fun creating this and it is still a delight to look back on, one of my finest Photoshop jobs to date! Have you ever played around with Photoshop to see what kind of crazy art you can make? It doesn't have to be for silly edited images, you can create all kinds of art with it or any digital program with artistic tools. To those who have stuck around to see all three of these Jazza Photoshops, I bid you my congratulations for surviving the weirdness!

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