Wednesday 11 September 2019

That Time Jazza Trusted Us With Photoshop | PART TWO

Ages ago Jazza set up an art challenge for us to Photoshop him in whatever way we pleased in order to roast him. I took this opportunity at the time but never shared the work I had done! So after over a year in hiding here is one of three pieces that I created.

'Circle Of Jazza'

A truly majestic abstraction of Jazza that many will look at and wonder what the heck I took to come up with this, but I can confirm I'm just insane! There was just one image of Jazza waiting to be mounted onto a mighty creature to ride, little did he know I was thinking of making Jazza ride another Jazza! It doesn't particularly help that Jazza is looking back to the previous Jazza and so forth!

The only two flaw with this start at the legs which meant I couldn't create a truly limitless loop, but the idea is still there. The second flaw is the ropes being held by Jazza, I haven't connected them all together, so there's breaks between every two Jazzas! If I were to go back to this piece I would add in the remaining robes to complete the circular link.

Much more Photoshopped than the first one, wouldn't you agree? Be sure to come back on the 25th September for the third and final edition to this trilogy, or just come back every Wednesday and Saturday for more artistic content!

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