Saturday 14 September 2019

Gorf Meets Candy

Every year I make it tradition that I do an illustration with ball point pens about a giant frog man who has gained the name Gorf. But unlike the previous two, this illustration is not set after the horrendous murder he is believed to commit, but is set out in the open!

I was looking up some prompts and I found a quote along the lines of only seeing in grey until someone came in and they were a burst of colour. So I've decided to make it official that Gorf is colour blind. So I knew following this prompt I was going to go back in time to the day that Gorf and Candy first met, it was just a matter of deciding how they would meet. It was after looking through images of introductions that I was able to decide on Candy asking for directions, which despite not being perfectly clear in this image, is implied with my best efforts to be what is going on.

I don't think my ball point pen shading was as effective as it was the last time, but the previous illustration was intentionally darker while this one is set in natural daylight. Candy's shading is up to the standard I had wished to achieve and so are backgrounds elements such as the hills and the trees. Like the last time I used my Tombow pens to apply base colours to the illustration which has allowed for the variety of greys that is seen. But perhaps the most unique part of this piece compared to the previous two is how there is no red; no blood!

What do you think next year's Gorf and Candy piece will be like? Will I recreate an illustration or dive deeper into their story? Only time will tell, in the meantime why not try having fun with ball point pens yourself?

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