Saturday 7 September 2019

Love Is In The Air... And So Is Cheese

Is that John and Ida on a date? Well, John thinks of it as a date but Ida sees it as just a friends' outing that nobody else bothered to show up to. But just how many people would be interested in an entire museum dedicated to cheese? That's probably why it's not very big.

So creating a museum that is all about cheese, it was interesting. I was prompted both museum and cheese which is how this location has come into existence, but enjoyed filling up this scenery with mostly humorous ideas. The center of the piece was obviously going to be some actual cheese contained within a glass case so that the cheese couldn't be affected.

There are five other features in this illustration. From left to right, the first feature is the cow's head which is said to be the first cow milked in the area. Next there is a joke book written by Jerry Camembert, the most cheesiest jokes. Visible above the cheese there is a poster asserting that Droey Drawson is not allowed on the premises! What did he do to get a poster like this? Not far off there is a painting of the local cheese critic Wallace Fonda and lastly there is a bowl and some Fondue forks.

The colours for this piece were selected from a cheese platter image found on the internet, while the lineart is ballpoint pens. This is orange for the most part and red for the character so your attention is more likely to be drawn to them. Even though it looks like it, there is no blue in this illustration, that's actually a very desaturated Jade Green!

I loved creating this illustration but the colouring for this was the most interesting part and something I haven't done in a long time. Both John and Ida were coloured using specific colours from images when I created them so having an illustration of them coloured the same way feels like a nice continuation of their qualities. If you want to colour an image but are not sure how to colour it for greater appeal, you should give this method a try because it's bound to work well for you!

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