Saturday 23 February 2019

The Upside-down Face Challenge

By now it's a fairly old trend but it's something to give a try. Two heads, four faces, one challenge!

I used to have a book like this but I can't seem to find it anymore. But that didn't stop me trying and I managed two designs. The first face I tried is to the right. It is indeed strange when you think the hairs of his brow are actually above the eyebrow, leaving a chunk of bare skin. While this way round he looks close to a monkey man, flipped around he looks like a rather shocked elderly man! I think I prefer his face this way, it looks more realistic.

Faces Flipped!

The second head was an equal attempt to make a believable face both ways but this one came out rather strange. In the first photo you can see a relaxed, bearded man with a most unusual forehead. In the second he's an excited, eccentric person! The eccentric one looks like they could've been a mad scientist while the other looks like a reformed rebel with many tales to tell about his rebellious days. The strip of red in the hair was just to break the symmetry, something the first head failed to do.

Which way round do you prefer these heads, I can't really decide myself! If you want to create some quirky looking characters this is a good challenge for you, it had me challenged a bit.


  1. Good drawing visit my chanel upside down face YouTube

  2. The one with the yellow hair and beard is not very realistic. Like if you agree! But still, great job on the challenge! I tried it but it's not as easy as it looks! You should try though, it's really fun. ;)
