Saturday 16 February 2019

He's so Cute, but She's getting Mad!

It's Gary and Lexi again, and they've crossed paths with an elephant girl. But she's new to the area and is still has to get into the habit of not treating humans like cute dogs!

I remember reading somewhere that Elephants apparently see us the same way we see cute dogs, which if that's the case then awesome! I don't need it to be true though, this is inspiration enough for me to create this loveable madness. This elephant girl from India has found Gary and finds him very cute, not stopping for one moment to think that he may be accompanied by his significant other, Lexi!

Designing the elephant character started out a bit challenging, trying to work out how best to apply the elephant head to a humanoid body. I considered a rounded head and trying to apply tusks to the body but instead went with a squared head that the trunk would line up with.

Aside from Lexi and Gary, this piece has colour schemes based on the original 'Elmer' book. I looked at the elephant parade to see if any of the elephants had decorative scheme that I could use for the costume and then chose the duo of elephants covered in a flower pattern. The blue was close enough to an elephant-ish skin tone while the red and gold would suit the costume. The background is based on the third illustration from the book, using colours from the background and an identical sky gradient. I ought to get into the habit of mixing up my colours to create more interesting schemes and while I didn't create the scehemes for this illustration, it's a step in the right direction.

This elephant has meant no harm but Lexi really doesn't seem to be happy! Who will Lexi be cross with, and what might happen to Gary? You'll see this duo again quite soon!

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