Saturday 9 February 2019

Technobian Cafe

It's Tenvad everyone! And she's joined by Paddy as they have met up in the local Technobian cafe. It's a lovely place where technological beings can sit down and charge up, chat, read or just get new batteries.

So I took a practice in isometric style illustration (I hope that's the right name for it), I haven't drawn in this style since I was sixteen and doing technical drawings! I did use a ruler back then, but I'm gonna need to persuade myself to use a ruler more. Don't be like me guys, use a ruler!

Designing a cafe suited for Technobians was a little tricky, given the purpose of a cafe is to supply food and drink. Obviously this cafe would have to supply an electrical charge, so I came to the idea of booths that someone could sit in and relax while they charge. Each booth has a number, a socket and a little red button to press if they need any help.

This is the sort of stuff I should've been thinking about back when I created Tenvad. Technobians have received little artistic attention from me, due to finding myself rather restricted with them. There's only so much they appear to be able to do in comparison with humans, but maybe that's because I haven't tried hard enough to focus on them? I want to do Tenvad and Paddy justice by giving them more opportunities, things to broaden their horizons and give Tenvad some experiences.

You'll notice Tenvad is holding a couple of tickets, this is because she and Paddy are going to attend a concert, one that is Technobian friendly! Hopefully that's something you'd like to see because that's going to be happening pretty soon. The future is looking bright for Technobians, and hopefully there may be more of them on the way!

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