Tuesday 5 February 2019

Let's Play Wink Murder

Or as it's also known, Wink Indisposal! Let's travel back in time to a day when Droey, Anne, Ida and John were playing Wink Murder, a lovely game to be played in large groups (I'm not gonna fit many more people in this crowd am I?) where you have to identify the murderer before they wink everyone to death!

First thing I realise as I write this, I meant to use my sepia toned pens since this is technically a flashback! Awh nuts! Must remind myself in future to do that, what else am I to use sepia toned pens for?

So for the second time ever, we have little Droey and young Anne, as for John and Ida this is a first. Droey and Anne originally appeared at a younger age in the 25 Facial Expressions challenge on Day 5. There was no colour and they were in winter suited clothing, so they as well as Jhon and Ida would have to have costume designs and colour schemes sorted. That said, the only differences with Anne is that she has her natural hair colour of blonde and sports a bow.

Droey's hair colour used to be lighter and yes indeed I did formerly wear shorts! The shirt design I understand looks like a bloodstain shirt, which actually suits the game pretty well. However the full design would show ketchup on the tip of a French fry, which you'll get to see if young Droey makes another appearance. I actually used to wear a fair bit of green and yellow back then, so I combined the colours into a hat with my initials on, similar to a hat I used to own.

John's costume (excluding Anne's) is the most similar to his present day look. John used to wear a lot more green, including a rather snug jacket. When he was young John had a phase when he wanted to be a policeman, so loved to play this game and arrest people with his toy handcuffs.

Ida's colour scheme is kept the same, with the exception of changing gold for yellow. She used to have longer hair and was also a little rounder than she is these days. Her favourite piece of clothing was a sleeveless turtle neck sweater, sporting her favourite colour of orange.

The spots in the background are inspired by police lights to suit for the arrest of Ida Noe, charged with the murder of Droey and a few other kids. She'll be out in about five minuets in time for he next wink murderer to play! As drama students would know, this is a game that can be played as a warm up, that's an advantage that comes with taking performing arts classes! Do you have any memory of playing wink murder, or were you a wink murderer yourself? Come on, confession time!

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