Saturday 2 February 2019

Droey's Job?!

It's only temporary, but Droey got a job somewhere local where he's familiar with one of the employees! But it's not all that he hoped it would be.

Droey doesn't get many opportunities to work but one day he was in luck. His friend, John, works with his family at their Pizza Restaurant and John had some news for Droey.

'Droey, there's a job going at my restaurant! We're taking in anyone we can get, you in?'

'What kind of work is it?' Droey asked cautiously, things weren't always as straight forward as he hoped when John was to be taken into concern.

'Easy work for for easy money, it's a no brainer!' John firmly placed his hands on Droey's shoulders. 'Plus you've got a friend in high places there, you'd be an idiot not to go for it!' Droey considered the proposal, if he was at least working in a field that his friend would to close to and was deemed capable, it seemed the job would be worth a shot.

'I'll take it!' Droey decided.

'Yes! You won't regret this!' John promised.

Droey regretted it, well at least he did when he discovered just what his job was. John had him working in the kitchen, drying dishes. It wasn't a difficult job, just incredibly tedious.

'I would've thought you wanted me here as a waiter.' Droey grumbled.

'Ah yeah but we're not short on waiters.' John calmly replied as he leaned against a broken dishwasher.

'No but you need some dish driers, don't you?'

'Ooh yeah, and luckily for me there were two people who happened to need temporary work!' John grinned. 'Actually I don't think you two've met! Droey, this is an old friend of my cousin's, Eliza. Eliza this is my mate Droey.'

'Yeah, sorry about the ranting, not making this much fun am I?' Droey blushed, but Eliza didn't mind. She was actually amused by Droey's wit and as John left to do his deliveries, the two dish driers got chatting. About a week later, when the new dishwasher arrived, Droey and Eliza had become firm friends.

Can you remember meeting any of your friends? Maybe you can recreate how you met as an artwork?

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