Thursday 14 February 2019

2019 - Mix'n'Match Shipping Results

Thank you everyone who voted on this year's Mix'n'match Shipping challenge. You were given the chance to decide on which characters out of a possible twenty would be shipped this Valentine's Day. Before we get on to the results, here is a recap of last year's results.

Last year was a five piece ensemble, that's quite a date! Rapunzel and Tarzan were swinging through the jungle and had been deemed a couple while Lego Batman was creating of vision of his beloved Joker on the face of Kiosk Keith, leaving Olaf heart warmed to the point of melting. Unfortunately, Olaf melted completely that day and because of this Keith got the sack and had to leave yet another jungle! Batman went on to swing through the jungle with Tarzan and Rapunzel, but Tarzan was left heartbroken when Rapunzel left him for a richer man, a Lego man. Are they still together? That remains unknown!

Ten franchises, two characters from each, you were given the chance to create chaos and here are the results.

The lowest in votes and reviving hardly any love are a quarter of the characters:

Ida Noe
Sonic the Hedgehog
Rose DeWitt Bukater
Holly Wiloughby

Next up are are three characters who scored no more than 7% :

Dec Donelly
Jack Skellington
Chat Noir

Six of the characters tied with a score of 8.3% :

Jack Dawson
John Esposito
Amy Rose

Four characters were so close and came in second place, able to double the score with 16.7% :

Princess Bubblegum
Penny Fitsgerald

It was clear who one of these winners was going to be from the start and the other winner came out by surprise, in fact their respective partners almost won this poll themselves! So without further ado, here are the winners.


(Doki Doki Literature Club)


(Adventure Time)

Let's be real, it's not difficult to ship Monika with anyone, she's not fussy! This may the be most believable ship I have created since starting this challenge but how does this ship stand out from anything else? Well Monika is able to give Marceline something she thought she'd never get, a reflection! No it's not Marceline's actual reflection but is a projection created by Monika as a token of her love - and you thought I'd forgotten Marcline being a vampire had no reflection didn't you?

Making this piece was quite fun, I decided to create the Just Monika screen capture traditionally and then Marceline's reality digitally as a neat juxtaposition that would save my screen looking too much like the real game art! Plus this meant I got to have fun with effects such as the glowing keyboard, the atmospheric lighting and the screen's glow, an opportunity which would have been wasted if I did this the other way around.

Thank you to everyone who voted this was a delightful experiment and this challenge will certainly be returning next year, there may even be a video on YouTube for it who knows? I'll leave you with this question though; does Marceline maintain her realtionship with Monika or will the lonely game character be deleted?

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