Saturday 6 June 2020

What Do You Think, Monty?

Monty Moth is competing in a soapbox race but his parents can't help him to make his car. Monty couldn't be bothered to make on on his own so hesitantly he decided to seek the help of his uncle, Agrius Moth!

Agrius was enthusiastic to show Monty the work he had done, with the help of Finley and Bri. About a week after his last visit, Monty came over to see the car.

'Tadaa!' cried Agrius. 'What do you think, nephew?' Monty stared in confusion at his soapbox car, which looked subtlety much like Agrius himself! 'This bad boy will have all of the other racers shaking with fear and anyone who dares to get in your way will have to face the wrath of the Mothmobile!'

'Mothmobile?' Monty repeated in disbelief, neither emotional or impressed over the name.

'Well it was that or The Convolvulus Kart; I think Mothmboile has a better ring to it.'

'It does, boss!' Finley chirped. He was modelling the car whilst wearing a crash helmet. He may have also been the test dummy.

'Quite right, Finley! So, what do you think?'

'Um...' Monty doesn't usually have an opinion on something, though his opinion on this car was how cheesy it was. But Monty didn't like to upset his uncle, not out of fear but out of respect for his bigheartedness towards him. 'Yeah, pretty cool.' Was the words Monty mustered for a response.

'Excellent, now let's turn off the lights so we can show you the luminous effects!'

'Luminous effects?' Monty thought to himself. Of course Agrius would have added something luminous to the design!

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