Saturday 20 June 2020

Droey and Co. Trick or Treating

When you're young, Trick or Treat is most important part of Halloween and so Droey's off out with his friends to make sure they enjoy it!

Anne Natalie suggested that for the first time they go out Trick or Treating as just a group of kids, in the years before they had all been going with their parents. Everyone but Droey and Ida were absoloutley thrilled with this idea, the other two were a little nervous. Anne assured them that they'd all have each other's backs.

Droey put on his favourite pumpkin costume with the fluorescent face and was to wait for John, who would be passing on his way to Anne Natalie's. Droey and John didn't take that long to prepare their costumes. This year John decided to be a pirate with a hook on his right hand.

When the two boys got to Anne's, the rest of their group was already there. Anne Natalie was dressed as a witch, she'd bought a new black top with a long sleeved layer beneath and a cat face as florescent as Droey's pumpkin face! Zorica wanted to go as a zombie and had been practicing her zombie act for a couple of days now, if only she could stop herself from breaking into laughter every time she tried! Ida was dressed as a tree, she didn't really know what she wanted to go as so came up with her costume last minute; so last minute that she didn't have time to cut holes for her arms!

It's been a while since I had drawn Droey and Co. dressing up at all so it was nice to make Halloween an occasion to do this again. Do your OCs have any costumes they like dressing up in? I'd be interested to see! In the meantime, here's the video for this drawing.

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