Saturday 27 June 2020

A Landscape Drawing?!

You're used to seeing my character art, but today you get to see some observational drawing!

I went out to a park and found myself a spot which I thought would be interesting to sketch. I found that spot pretty close to the park entrance! There was a circle of grass with a few trees planted, one small tree was stood surrounded by the leaves of other trees from around where I was sat. Without further ado I got sketching and spent about an hour creating this composition.

The style of this sketch is still rather cartoony as you can see, blocking the shapes which the trees were making. A way this could have been better is if I had tried a different way of making marks to suggest the leaves of the tree rather than the general shape of it. Another part was the walls which almost every brick detail had laid out. This is not necessary and only a few of these lines would be needed to indicate that the wall is made of bricks.

Now that I have this sketch, I can use it as a basis for a new illustration, maybe have some of my characters out in the park. I also took some pictures of the park while I was there which could be used to inspire other drawings. It's important for an artist to get out and draw as well as to be drawing from the comfort of your own room, so be sure to get out and find something to get drawing. Live observation is the best way for an artist to learn.

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