Saturday 13 June 2020

Transylvanian Families

Droey was minding his own business one day when he seems to have gotten himself involved with a family of vampires?

Droey is a rather pale person. It's no surprise one day when some vampires were out on a family outing, they spotted Droey and mistook him for another vampire! Droey was greeted warmly and they insisted that Droey came along with them for a drink. Politely, Droey accepted the invitation and went with the vampires. They were likely a middle class family since they had a rather fancy looking house called 'Count Castle'.

As they got talking, Droey learned that Mr. Drake had recently moved into the area with his family to take on a job as a dentist. His son, Edward was going to university and hoping to become a doctor. / is around Droey's age and studying food health while making a profit on the side as a hypnotist. There was only one minor issue, Droey doesn't drink alcohol, so felt awkward as he watched Mr. Drake pouring him a glass of wine!

You can see this illustration being created on YouTube, it was uploaded back in October!

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