Saturday 28 March 2020

Xiomara Clements

In the last post you were introduced to Ida Noe's cousin, so this little sketch is dedicated to her. I'll also be sharing information about this character.

Xiomara (nickname 'X') comes from the Grecian side of Ida's family (Ida's mother's side) and is the best at speaking English in her family unit. She lived in Greece at a young age but has spent most of her life in Jansterwick.

Xiomara is bipolar and expresses particularly strong emotions very often. There seem to be two identifiable personalities with her in which one is manic, energetic and rambunctious while the other is more depressed, pessimistic and unmotivated.

She attends West Coast Academy and is a part of their debating guild. Her expressive attitude sees to it that no debate goes without her opinion being heard, even if allowing a debate to become a little unbalanced. Xiomara's ambition is to become a sports analyst but in the meantime she is preparing to study law.

So that's Xiomara, hope you like her design and are keen to see this character again in future!

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