Saturday 7 March 2020

Agrius' Moth Manipulator

I love this artwork! It started out as just a sketch in my book then I took it onto Photoshop and the result I feel is absoloutley stunning. It was just a bit of fun to tell a short story with.

Agrius had concocted a new evil scheme that he wanted to try out. He decided to make his announcement at breakfast time. Agrius enjoyed having company in his home, he had recently gained a couple of lodgers with the intent of making them his henchmen. Finley seemed to be fine with this, Bri on the other hand is more reluctant and only helps out to prevent either Agrius or Finley from killing themselves out of stupidity!

'Finley, Bri, we have a mission to conduct!' Agrius declared as Finley served breakfast. Today it was omelets and black toast. Finley had left the toast on too long again. 'I have drafted blueprints for a device which shall bring about the darkest days for humanity, we are to begin after breakfast!'

'You know, when I said I was happy to help around the place I did not mean with your villain nonsense.' Bri sighed as she read her paper.

'We could do without your negativity, thank you.' Agrius grumbled.

'Gee boss, what's your device about? I wanna help!' Finley bubbled with anticipation.

'We're going to create, a helmet that controls moths!' Agrius declared. Bri rolled her eyes. 'With every moth in Jansterwick under my influence, I shall have every light in the land stolen and Jansterwick will plunge into darkness! Except of course, our headquarters. We will become service providers that supply light, and with an neon fist Jansterwick will be ours!' Agrius cackled while Finley applauded.

'It won't work.' Bri bluntly declared, interrupting Agrius' laughter.

'Not every evil scheme is thwarted, Bri!' Agrius snapped. 'Have you even watched The Dark Knight?'

'Nope.' Fiction won't back up your claims. Trust me, it's going to fail.'

A few days later, Agrius' moth manipulator was completed. It was time to put the helmet to the test, so Agrius was left in a room with a large collection of moths. They hadn't been able to get every moth in Jansterwick but at least it was an army enough for get things started. The helmet was activated and the Moths fluttered around, it sounded like having several helicopters surrounding Agrius!

'My fellow light seekers! I release you into the world, and to me you will bring every light you see! Fly away, and take all lights!' Agrius' commands had been very clear, and the manipulator worked! The moths did do as he declared, only there was one problem.

There were two lights on the helmet that glowed when the helmet was in power. This was the first light any moth in the room could reach and so they all went after Agrius, much to is surprise! After panicking, shouting and begging for a minute, the moths left Agrius alone and fluttered out of the window. But they had already taken the controlling helmet. Now it rested on the floor, by removing the helmet there was no one to control the moths so they had regained their free will. Agrius' scheme had failed.

I'll do another post some time about the making of this digital masterpiece, as well as a show of the traditionally produced prototype.

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