Saturday 14 March 2020

The Swimsuit Episode

Droey and his friends live near the sea, but they've never been seen going near the beach! It's time that was taken care of.

This was going to be a more crowded illustration but it was the first video I had recorded in a long time and I really wanted something easier so that I could enjoy making the piece; this explains the simplified style as well. Sorry John and the Katou twins, but maybe they'll get their beach day soon.

Since Anne's at the beach I thought it would make sense for Quinman to be at the beach. He's managed to get possession of an ice-cream van and is ready to sell ice-creams; Albiona has been one of his customers today. While she enjoys her ice-cream, Quinman just waits, hoping that Anne will approach to get an ice-cream and then give him the opportunity to break the ice.

I always used to sculpt with sand when I was at the beach. I'm not the relaxing type, I prefer to do things. So here I have Droey working on a sand sculpture. Do you recognize his creation? It's the Teletubbies house, and sadly once the tide comes in this one is going to be flooded out as well.

Evangeline is sat on a deck chair while she reads 'Shark'. I hadn't used Evangeline in a while so I decided to bring her back for the YouTube video to grant her a bit of attention. I actually based her beach wear on the character design for Nellie the Elephant!

And I suppose Anne Natalie is where the fan service kicked in! Our towel sporting model has removed the towel to lay on it, but of course she's got a swimsuit underneath to protect her privacy. She didn't forget her sun-cream so she's in little danger of going as red as her swimsuit.

Here's the YouTube video in case you haven't seen it yet!

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