Saturday 21 March 2020


I was given a character prompt after holding a discussion related to Ida Noe. As a result to this design idea, this doodle was created.

The end result is Ida Noe's cousin, named Xiomara Clements. Her design s intentionally similar to Ida's in a few ascepts. Firstly Xiomara's design is inspired by an exclamation mark, much like Ida's question mark features. Secondly to hint that they are related, their colour scehemes are very similar. The major differences are that instead of blue and gold, Xiomara's design features green and grey. This is in addition to yellow and white, Xiomara's colour scheme is slightly more expanded than Ida's.

The illustration was prompted by a template I found on Pinterest, I think you can find it on my 'prompts' gallery if you go on my Pinterest. If you want to learn more about Xiomara, come back next time to hear all about her when she features in her own piece!

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