Saturday 4 April 2020

Droki Doki Literature Club

Remember Doki Doki Literature Club? Well here's a bit of fan art fused with Droey's Draws!

So I've paired the characters from the horror game together with some of the characters from Droey's Draws. From left to right, we have Gary and the tsundere Natsuki. Perhaps Gary's got a thing for hot-headed people? Next are Albiona and Sayori, both seem to be cinnamon rolls in their own worlds. The third duo are Raven and Yuri; purple and orange don't normally go together but that seems to be the exception in this case until Raven dyes her hair again! Lastly there's Droey and Monika. Yes I can confirm that Monika is my favourite character, she is what made the game so interesting and allowed me to become a fan of Doki Doki.

For this illustration I decided to draw everyone in casual clothing, despite the fact if any of these characters went to school there'd be a uniform. We can call it a non-uniform day right? The only character who's casual outfit I designed myself was Monika's since I don't recall her having a casual outfit in the game. I was also surprised to realize the height of the characters in Doki Doki meant that Droey is actually taller than all of them!

I was going to add more stuff in the background but the time taken to make this illustration was dragging so I slapped a floor and walls in then decided to call it there. Are there any character you have that might get along with others from your fandoms? Have a go at exploring their interactions together, but don't try to do four at a time like I did, or else it might drag for you too!

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