Saturday 25 April 2020

Ari 51

Remember the Area 51 meme? Back when it was getting a lot of attention this was a little something that seeded in my head.

The idea was a character duo consisting of an alien and a scientist working on-site at Area 51. I think the scientist was named Haley and was a 15 year old apprentice? As unlikely a concept as this is in real life, it sounds like what would be the case in a work of fiction for creating an easily relatable character.

The alien character has a design that physically was inspired by art supplies. The arms from a compas, the head from a paint brush and the nose from the tip of a pencil. A few other features were added to reduce the humanity of this design.

I'm not sure how much I like the excecution of this idea, but it is on paper for me to look back on and maybe use for something stronger in future. This is why ideas should be sketched, in case they become an amazing masterpiece. Maybe one day the same will be the case for this quick illustration.

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