Wednesday 17 July 2019

Sketchbook 3 - Biggest Droey's Draws Artwork yet?

My third sketchbook for Droey's Draws work is an A4 book so that I can create more pieces and work on a larger scale, so indeed with the cover page that's exactly what I wanted to do. So how many characters can I fit into one page? Sixty seven seems to be the answer if I make space for a title!

Three days of work results in this beautifully put together page showcasing not even the entirety of characters that make up the cast of Droey's Draws. What was intended to be a four piece ensemble of mascots two years ago has become a enormous family of diverse designs and traits! Some of these characters are also never before seen so here's your first glance at them, maybe try coming back to this when new characters are introduced to see if you'd already met them!

To prevent the artwork looking too chaotic, I decided to leave all of the characters white and give colour to only the backgrounds of each square. Each Droey's Draws character is tied to a particular colour that either dictates or relates well to their design. The only block to be left with a white background is the biggest block belonging to the title, creating enough contrast for it to stand out. I'll list only the characters that have appeared on the blog before, it'll be up to you to work out the unfamiliar ones in time!

Row 1:
Uncaring Cahsier, Mona Mohawke, Agrius Moth, Eurion Bowie, Mazarine

Row 2:
Lottie Line, Ariana Sketchbook, Chad, Pete Lee, Evangeline, Coffee Waterson

Row 3:
Raven Harkness, Benpress Jamie, Alannah Sugar, Quinman, Pudding, The Weirdo with No Name, Lacy Rembrandt

Row 4:
Tanyia, Lexi Golden, Tenvad Drawson, Droey Drawson, Anne Natalie, Raven Hole

Row 5:
Ichirou Katou, Ida Noe, John Esposito

Row 6:
Jirou Katou, Quaid Burt, Eliza Barnsley, Mac Littlewood Burt, Princess Sketch

Row 7:
Gary Thomas, Shock Artist, Albiona Whitaker, Michow Mooble, Foey Flawson, Redd Radcliff, Paddy Ipswitch

Row 8:
Martin Vincent, Mr. Centenary, Witch, Autumn Green, Henry Burt

Row 9:
Teacher, Lovebyte, Agrius' Nephew, Gorf, Reverend, Plottie

Row 10:
The Indian Elephant, Drobot, Droey's Hair

That leaves 13 of the characters on that page yet to be properly introduced, be sure to look out for them in future posts!

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