Friday 26 January 2018

The Original Droey and Co. Profiles

As I promised last week, I was going to put the original profiles (traditionally drawn) on a post so that they would not be lost to the sands of time. By now, the digital versions will have replaced them so their home is now here. I'll also talk a little about making these, which was almost or excactly a year ago by now!

Firstly here is the profile image for Droey Drawson.

The creation of this profile was to join the trend of #MeetTheArtist, hence why Droey's profile contained more than the other two. I created a few little pictures of Droey to go around the profile. Highlighters were used to create the text boxes since at the time I had no pastel inks.

As you can see a lot has changed about Droey, from his ears to his feet. Looking back, the proportions for his face are quite different, even off in this particular piece. The little photographs did a better job than the actual profile illustration!

Next up is the image for Tenvad.

Tenvad bar one minor change is the only character to had lacked an evolution. Her colour scheme, and proportions have always remained the same. One thing I always used to have to do with Tenvad was to colour in her screen with a Crayola pencil; this is because no pen could match to the shade of her screen and even though the original illustration of her was in pen, was not satisfied with any of my green pens doing the job. Now I have a pastel green which is close enough to do the job for her.

And finally the image for Anne Natalie

Anne has been an unusual case. She was created to be alongside the other two as the trio that would form 'Droey and Co.' and is intended to feature in their debut adventure (whenever I get around to that!), yet I have done little to really establish or develop her beyond being a fashion designer. Perhaps some illustrations in the future I will have a more developed Anne Natalie to talk about.

As for the artwork, the only changes she has seen are with the change of the style, matching up to how the bodies are now drawn. There was a point when I thought of drawing her toes as little stubs on the end of the generic foot shape but now her toes are drawn the same way as they are here, just applied to the new style for feet.

Overall there is little that has changed for these three over the past year. But I can remember being proud of this double page spread when I created it, so now to look back and be tempted to ridicule some parts of it, makes things alright. Like how people change, art should change with them and the artist should be improving every day. If I was still as proud of this piece as I was a year ago, and considering it as good as my current works, then I would have most probably wasted a whole year's worth of art.

Don't feel ashamed to criticise your old work, it means you're getting better. But just as importantly, don't show disrespect for your old work, for it's part of the journey that led to where you are now and could have been essential to your development. It would be a mistake to be rid of your old work, I should know for I willingly abandoned an entire year's worth of work a few years ago.

On a lighter note, allow me to remind you all that the new and improved character profiles for these three characters are now on the 'Droey and Co.' page on this blog as well as a poster featuring all three of them. That's all for now, so get creating and I'll see you next time!

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