Friday 12 January 2018

Sarah Jane Smith meets Mr. Bump

Now that Christmas is over, I suppose many people are looking forward to the summer, so here's a scene on the beach. Some of you may recognise this if you have read the original Mr. Men books.

For those of you who once in your life read Mr. Bump, you may recall a time when he went on holiday and got his foot stuck in a bucket, then himself in a giant hole! Sarah Jane is also on holiday and has discovered the trapped Mr. Bump while looking for the perfect spot on the beach.

With this illustration, I would like you inform you that I am considering (please bear the word 'considering' in mind) providing you some more story based content in the form of a spin-off based on the Dr. Men books by Adam Hargreaves. I have got six to seven stories in the works, one of them already written and once I've decided how to go about producing it as presentable content, I may actually release the stories for you all to enjoy.

The reason I am doing this is based on the Santa and Elle series that I did back in December, which was very successful but also very enjoyable for me to create. While this time around the characters would not be my own, I would still be writing my own stories and focusing on characters I am passionate about.

For those of you who might not be interested in either franchises the spin-off is based on, you needn't fear. This series would not completely take over the blog, and if I did create these stories, they would not consume my schedule. I intend to br ask each of the stories into chapters and release them weekly or daily, alongside other content for the blog.

Like I said, none of this is set in stone and there'd still be a lot to do if I were to make this a possibility. For now it remains an idea; though I'd like to think it would become a reality, be it in storybook format, as a web comic or even (and the most unlikely) an animated web series. Only time will tell; but for now, enjoy the upcoming content and stick around in case of further news.

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