Monday 15 May 2017

The Alphabet Challenge | J

J is for Jelly and Jackson

I was tempted to do The Joker, but I suppose many people have done that already. So instead I went back into the past and found this legendary duo, one of the BBC'S greatest children's creations in it's latter days. The Story Makers sparked the beginning of the dynamic puppet duo of Jelly and Jackson, who went on to appear as special guests and co-presenters in other productions such as the Spring and Autumn watch documentaries produced exclusively for Cbeebies.

I don't hear of these two getting much attention anymore and so I thought it'd treat them to this entry in the Alphabet Challenge. This piece was made differently from the rest as I actually marked my lines last. I decided to actually apply the colours prior to inking and it mostly worked out well.

There's not much else I can say about this, it didn't take me long to make because I wanted to get this out in time. But I got to experiment and that's really what matters with this piece.

Have you seen the letter I? If not you can check it out via my page for the 'Alphabet Challenge' as well as previous entries. Look out for K coming soon!

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