Droey and Co.

As time passes, you'll get to know Droey Drawson and his friends. They'll all be listed here, or at least as many as we can keep track of!

Droey Drawson

The Perfectionist

Droey is a teen artist who loves to be creative, he's not good at much else! He tends to be the sensible one of the group who tries to keep things in order, but in the strange world he's a part of, it's unlikely to happen! Friendly and cheeky, Droey goes about trying to bring smiles to the faces around him.


The Technobian

Tenvad lives with Droey and helps him out with a lot of stuff. She works alongside him with the blog and likes to make sure everything else is in top condition. Whenever she is not working, Tenvad tends to enjoy a rest but is not against the chance to join a social occasion.

Anne Natalie

The Model (and learning Fashion Designer)

Anne is an old friend of Droey's and has the desire to design the next big craze in fashion. Anne's lifestyle as a model has her going places and doing various things and while it can be rather exciting to the average Joe, Anne is always happy to just chill with her friends and enjoy her spare time with them. She is an optimist and always looks for the next thing to look forward to. 

John Esposito

The Pizza Delivery Guy

John works for his family at a pizza restaurant. His dad takes his pizzas seriously and so John has to take his job seriously, suppressing his true nature of being humorous and lethargic. At the end of the day, all John wants is to have a laugh or better yet to get a shot at Ida.

Ida Noe

She Doesn't Know!

Ida has a good variety of skills and is capable of most things, but this is because of her major flaw that always gets in her way. Ida suffers from being indecisive and thus when it comes to any problems that involve choices, Ida is not the best person to turn to.

Mac Littlewood Burt

The Elven Actor

Mac was brought up in a rural area where performance was a preferred form of entertainment to technology. This is what sparked his dreams to become an actor, though time saw him becoming an accountant. He job was a great depressant for him until the day he met Quaid, who knew where there was a job as a performing arts teacher available. Mac joined Quaid to teach performing arts, Mac working with Drama students. Years on and Mac is delightfully a husband to Quaid and a respected Drama teacher.

Quaid Burt

The Dancer

Quaid is a confident man with a giant heart, a sucker for romantic ambiance. This is possibly what may have been the cause for his natural gift of dance, which was even integrated into all of his sporting activities! However when it came to a point when Quaid felt he has to make the choice, he chose dance over football and went on to become a Dance teacher. He teaches well, but his technophobe fortune is capable of causing setbacks. After meeting and dating colleague Mac, Quaid made the bold proposal that saw them becoming a happily married couple.

Agrius Moth

'The Convolvulous Hawk'

Agrius was arrested sometime ago in an isolated cave kept under low security, using a light to keep him in his cell. It was intended for him never to return to society due to his annoyance, however interference on Droey's part (by accident) saw his release and now Agrius is back in his lighthouse lair and causing mischief for everyone he can! At the end of the day, Agrius is nothing more than an attention seeker who will do wicked things to achieve mostly nonthreatening goals; just so long as everyone sees him as the villain and talks about it, Agrius is happy.

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