Saturday, 24 October 2020

Zorica's School Photo

Droey and Co. remember when Zorica was a more lively person. They're not sure what happened to her but see her every now and then; she's clearly not the same as she used to be.

This is her last school photo before her accident in the mosh pit. She went to the same school as her friends and was a fairly bright student. She wasn't a star pupil but aside from science she was capable of achieving her targets.

After the mosh pit, Zorica has been non-receptive to most things and barely speaks. These days she is considered a Zombie, though not the rotting flesh, brain eating kind. After a couple of years in this state, Zorica might finally be getting some tests in hopes that Zorica can be recovered - little does anyone know that Zorica is actually separated from her body which she constantly watches over!

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