Saturday, 10 October 2020

Ida Was Impressed

Droey and Co. were out in the park one day and were having a lovely chat, when something new caught their eye.

This art work was inspired by a drawing base which is what had the most influence over the expressions everyone was pulling. While this illustration holds the potential to tell a story, there wasn't really a story in mind when I was creating this piece so a lot of what is happening is left to be a mystery. The proportions of the characters also made it difficult for everyone's faces to be visible as they had been in the drawing base; John unfortunately suffers the most because of this.

You may notice that Droey and Anne have adopted their new designs, as the backlog of content has caught up to the content that I started putting on the Instagram account. While their new physical features had been decided, their colours had not which makes this the last illustration to feature Droey's original blue/silver spoon shirt. Speaking of the use of colour, I also used a green pen to colour the sky in which I really like the look of! It's certainly not realistic but it is pleasing to the eye and fits well with the rest of the background.

I wonder what they're looking at, have a guess in the comments and maybe we'll find out someday!

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