Saturday, 17 October 2020

Anne Natalie's Vintage Dress

This is a slight change of style, you don't often see vintage looking stuff but here's a glamorous Anne Natalie inspired by a Christmas card!

I received a Christmas card last year which had a girl in this dress on the front. It was nothing like I had ever drawn and it made me decide I should try something like that. So I took Anne Natalie as a model and drew the dress on her. She looks sadder in this illustration than the girl on the card did, but that would be down to the placement of the hand, which only went to the chin originally but the character proportions for my design didn't allow that to work so well.

The girl on the card has dark brown hair and a peachy skin tone, but I preferred the idea of red being the only colour with any saturation so I left Anne's skin white and instead of colouring her hair pink I used red. This helped unify the art work more and balanced the use of the red which would have been bottom heavy otherwise.

Have you got any greetings cards that have inspired you? Christmas is soon to come so maybe you'll find an inspirational card that you can make an artwork out of.

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