Saturday, 31 October 2020

Foey Flawson Poster

When I acquired a drawing tablet, I put together a surreal poster of Foey Flawson. Here is the digital prototype that would become a digital masterpiece.

The two Foeys are very much the same as they were in the poster, only it is implied in this version that Foey always had his scars which is something I removed. I also ought to clear up some confusion here about the blue Foey, this is not Droey Drawson, at least not our Droey.

In Foey's timeline, he was a Droey Drawson who was out on his luck and pessimistic, however after obtaining a magical pencil, this is the turning point that steers him towards a darker path that leads to him being the Foey Flawson we are familiar with.

The digital poster includes some weathering effects that I did not add to the traditional version of this illustration, rain and fire. There was a lot of play with the colours blue and orange which were used to reflect the two Foey Flawsons, in very similar spirit to Arthur Fleck and the Joker.

And now for those who do not have access to Instagram, here is the digital version of the poster.

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