Saturday 31 October 2020

Foey Flawson Poster

When I acquired a drawing tablet, I put together a surreal poster of Foey Flawson. Here is the digital prototype that would become a digital masterpiece.

The two Foeys are very much the same as they were in the poster, only it is implied in this version that Foey always had his scars which is something I removed. I also ought to clear up some confusion here about the blue Foey, this is not Droey Drawson, at least not our Droey.

In Foey's timeline, he was a Droey Drawson who was out on his luck and pessimistic, however after obtaining a magical pencil, this is the turning point that steers him towards a darker path that leads to him being the Foey Flawson we are familiar with.

The digital poster includes some weathering effects that I did not add to the traditional version of this illustration, rain and fire. There was a lot of play with the colours blue and orange which were used to reflect the two Foey Flawsons, in very similar spirit to Arthur Fleck and the Joker.

And now for those who do not have access to Instagram, here is the digital version of the poster.

Saturday 24 October 2020

Zorica's School Photo

Droey and Co. remember when Zorica was a more lively person. They're not sure what happened to her but see her every now and then; she's clearly not the same as she used to be.

This is her last school photo before her accident in the mosh pit. She went to the same school as her friends and was a fairly bright student. She wasn't a star pupil but aside from science she was capable of achieving her targets.

After the mosh pit, Zorica has been non-receptive to most things and barely speaks. These days she is considered a Zombie, though not the rotting flesh, brain eating kind. After a couple of years in this state, Zorica might finally be getting some tests in hopes that Zorica can be recovered - little does anyone know that Zorica is actually separated from her body which she constantly watches over!

Saturday 17 October 2020

Anne Natalie's Vintage Dress

This is a slight change of style, you don't often see vintage looking stuff but here's a glamorous Anne Natalie inspired by a Christmas card!

I received a Christmas card last year which had a girl in this dress on the front. It was nothing like I had ever drawn and it made me decide I should try something like that. So I took Anne Natalie as a model and drew the dress on her. She looks sadder in this illustration than the girl on the card did, but that would be down to the placement of the hand, which only went to the chin originally but the character proportions for my design didn't allow that to work so well.

The girl on the card has dark brown hair and a peachy skin tone, but I preferred the idea of red being the only colour with any saturation so I left Anne's skin white and instead of colouring her hair pink I used red. This helped unify the art work more and balanced the use of the red which would have been bottom heavy otherwise.

Have you got any greetings cards that have inspired you? Christmas is soon to come so maybe you'll find an inspirational card that you can make an artwork out of.

Saturday 10 October 2020

Ida Was Impressed

Droey and Co. were out in the park one day and were having a lovely chat, when something new caught their eye.

This art work was inspired by a drawing base which is what had the most influence over the expressions everyone was pulling. While this illustration holds the potential to tell a story, there wasn't really a story in mind when I was creating this piece so a lot of what is happening is left to be a mystery. The proportions of the characters also made it difficult for everyone's faces to be visible as they had been in the drawing base; John unfortunately suffers the most because of this.

You may notice that Droey and Anne have adopted their new designs, as the backlog of content has caught up to the content that I started putting on the Instagram account. While their new physical features had been decided, their colours had not which makes this the last illustration to feature Droey's original blue/silver spoon shirt. Speaking of the use of colour, I also used a green pen to colour the sky in which I really like the look of! It's certainly not realistic but it is pleasing to the eye and fits well with the rest of the background.

I wonder what they're looking at, have a guess in the comments and maybe we'll find out someday!

Saturday 3 October 2020

Double Date

Double dates never really go well if Gary and Lexi are involved...

If you're familiar with my Instagram, then by now you'll know about Chad and Valerie. These two characters are my personification for Valentines' Day and are the most obnoxious couple of lovebirds you could know. You'll find as much affection between them as you'd fine rage between Gary and Lexi! So it's quite amusing for these polar opposites to be going on a double date.

Despite being in a committed relationship, Lexi can't help but check out Chad who is showing his angel wings tattooed on his back. She seems rather impressed but it's all fun and games until Valerie points out Chad is not the only one bearing wings. Gary's wearing his trademark white shirt with the orange wings motif, which Valerie innocently compliments. But the sight of Gary receiving attention from another girl makes hypocritical Lexi's blood boil as she's ready to lash out before putting Gary back in his place!

Of course, Lexi should know better than to assume Valerie of all people would be unfaithful to her boyfriend but that's not what's on her mind when it comes to making sure she has Gary to herself!

If you want to see brand new artwork before anyone else, the best place now is to go to Instagram and follow droeydrawsonofficial where new content is posted frequently and you the audience will be able to interact with me more!