Saturday 18 July 2020

Sabine Martini

Here's a side view profile of Sabine, it's been too long since I've given her any attention.

She looks strange from the side view but it works, and although Droey's Draws is generally family friendly, I would be breaking Sabine's character if I didn't have doing something shocking. As you can see I have censored the illustration.

I used Ohuhu markers for this piece and gave Sabine some cell shading. This worked especially well on the skin which has given it more life. Even when I'm working with flat colours I tend to shade the white so that it doesn't look like it was left out of the illustration.

The background was an idea that came on the spot, an abstract idea that I loved and enjoyed creating the 'shock effect' look that compliments Sabine, who is based on the trope of 'shocking artist'. A lot of the stuff in this piece I came up with on the spot as it was actually sketched within a half hour while I was at college!

What sketches do you come up with in your free time? I'd love to see them!

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