Saturday 25 July 2020

Albiona's Profile Picture

I wanted to do a realism piece and I chose to draw Albiona Whitaker. It turns out to be one of my finest works!

This was just a small traditionally drawn illustration done in my sketchbook which I then transferred onto computer. What I did with the colours was initially take Albiona's official swatch but then used the eyedropper took to take shades of skin and white from various images to create the most realistic possible translation of Albiona's colour scheme. The shading was done by cell shading and then using the smudge tool to made gradients out of these cells. Then I added a gradient effect over the sections of colour to create a more authentic shading effect.

The background for this piece was done in the same way, however there was an extra layer within the background elements that contained textures to add to the authenticity. After all of the colours were sorted I added a gradient over the whole piece and then played with the colour balance to create a warmer tint over the illustration.

You may notice there are a couple of colourful elements on Albiona, such as the rainbow highlight in her hair and the badge. This was the reason I wanted to draw Albiona, so I could add a colourful element to her design which would really stand out. This isn't a design change, just something for this particular illustration.

Have you made any profile pictures for your characters? How would they wish to express themselves to the world? All you need to do is draw a square/circle and then have a blast!

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