Saturday 15 February 2020

Anne In The Ball Pit

Ball pits are fun, but terrible if you lose something...

You know one day Anne's choice of attire was going to be questioned in my artwork. So here she is in a panic as she realizes there is no towel wrapped around her after playing around in the ball pit for a while. I can gladly say this was as humiliating as the experience got for her; Anne's towel was swiftly found and she was granted the privacy to put it back on. Afterwards Anne was reprimanded by staff in the area for her dress code, of course she was not best pleased about this.

The ball pit in this piece I decided to base on the concept of 'The Floor Is Lava', but using only warm colours (white excluded) for the balls so that it could resemble lava. This enabled me to keep the foreground full of warm colours and contrast that with the purple gradient in the back. Anne's colour scheme is able to balance between both the pit and the gradient since she sits between the warmer and cooler shades of pink and purple.

Myself and some other artists had gone to a trampoline arena, this was the inspiration for such a piece. It was a lovely time and there are a couple of other pieces I've had in mind inspired by the trip which will hopefully be making their way onto the blog some time soon. See if there's anything you and your friends have done that might inspire an artwork.

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