Saturday 29 February 2020

Mona The Vampire - Not Fan Art?

Show us your fangs! Wait, this isn't the Mona the Vampire that we grew up watching on the TV? No, it's Mona Mohawke!

Inspired by the title card used at the beginning of every episode for 'Batman : The Animated Series', I created a silhouette of Mona in a vampire costume. I thought it would look a bit bland to have the silhouette be black so I took 'wine red' as Ohuhu labels it since it was the darkest shade of red/pink that I own. The lighter pink is part of the Spectrum Noir pastel collection and I think it compliments the wine red very well.

The idea to create this definitely came from talking about Mona the Vampire though, it was just a casual conversation and then it struck me that I have a character called Mona, why not dress her up like a vampire?

Saturday 22 February 2020

Crilley's Favourite Band

Remember Dummer Girl? Here she is with the rest of her band.

Crilley Morgan is listening to their favourite music, the pop-rock style of Bichon Face. These members have designs inspired by Britney Spears, Avril Lavinge and Lorde- did you notice? Lead singer of the band is Mandy (top left), bass player is Andi (top right) and lead guitarist is Brandy (bottom left). Of course this leaves Drummer Girl to play the drums.

This piece was a long time coming as most of the band had been designed almost a year ago! Now they're here and ready to play; Michow Mooble might have some competition now!

Saturday 15 February 2020

Anne In The Ball Pit

Ball pits are fun, but terrible if you lose something...

You know one day Anne's choice of attire was going to be questioned in my artwork. So here she is in a panic as she realizes there is no towel wrapped around her after playing around in the ball pit for a while. I can gladly say this was as humiliating as the experience got for her; Anne's towel was swiftly found and she was granted the privacy to put it back on. Afterwards Anne was reprimanded by staff in the area for her dress code, of course she was not best pleased about this.

The ball pit in this piece I decided to base on the concept of 'The Floor Is Lava', but using only warm colours (white excluded) for the balls so that it could resemble lava. This enabled me to keep the foreground full of warm colours and contrast that with the purple gradient in the back. Anne's colour scheme is able to balance between both the pit and the gradient since she sits between the warmer and cooler shades of pink and purple.

Myself and some other artists had gone to a trampoline arena, this was the inspiration for such a piece. It was a lovely time and there are a couple of other pieces I've had in mind inspired by the trip which will hopefully be making their way onto the blog some time soon. See if there's anything you and your friends have done that might inspire an artwork.

Friday 14 February 2020

2020 - Mix'n'Match Shipping Results

Happy Valentine's Day everyone, or Singles Awareness day if you prefer! I hope you're spending it doing something you love, I might be giving that new Sonic the Hedgehog film a watch.

Since the start of the year you've been voting for who you wanted to see shipped together for this day. If you voted, I give you my thanks and hope that you are satisfied with the results.

Last year you may remember that Monika and Marceline won the poll. Fun fact for you, during my interview for a degree course I'm hoping to take, they came across this Monika illustration and it was the only one to be criticized for his manga-esque style! It was most amusing having to explain the artwork to her. As a finished piece, it's concept was a beautiful blend of mediums with a wholesome narrative in which Monika used her computer manipulation abilities to gift Marceline with a reflection. Hopefully Marceline didn't delete Monika in the end, though I wonder what Princess Bubblegum would have to say about that!

So onto this year's results. Ten franchises, two characters from each, you were given the chance to create chaos and here is the results!

Receiving the lowest votes were:

Gary Thomas, Tokah Yatogami, Arthur Fleck, Sonic the Hedgehog, MJ, Sophie Dumond and The Master

Making 10% of the votes were:

Gabriel Agreste, Johnny Bravo, Star-Lord, Doctor Who (Jodie Whittaker), Lexi Golden, Nathalie Sancoeur, Itsuka Shido and Gamora

The couple that comes in second place on the poll is Alastor from Hazbin Hotel and Dr. Robotnik from Sonic the Hedgehog! Therefore I challenge you to draw these two as a ship and see how crazy it can get!

Two of these characters were clearly going to win, but to my surprise there was a third winner who had quite a huge following! Collecting almost 25% of the votes in total, here is the winning trio!

Peter Parker

(Spider Man MCU)

Velma Dinkley

(Scooby Doo)

Angel Dust

(Hazbin Hotel)

What a trio! Two are nerds, two are spiders and the three of them played off each other so well I almost couldn't decide how to put this one together! I think this comic strip styled illustration speaks for itself though, wouldn't you agree?

Thank you again to everyone who voted and gave me this ridiculous illustration to develop! Look forward to next year when this challenge returns, however as there are some changes to Droey's Draws on the way, this will be the last time you see a Mix'n'Macth Shipping on this blog! Future results will be uploaded to Instagram and assuming the new blog is set up, there will also be posts on there in the same format as you see here.

What do you think is the fate of this trio and their potentially romantic endeavor? Let me know what you think!

Saturday 8 February 2020

Bobros [Bob Ross Becomes Superhero!]

For this post I have snapped out of my Droey's Draws style and come for a more realistic look. Make no mistake, it's Bob Ross, but not as we know him!

So it's been in my head for a while to take Bob Ross the painter and merge him with Thanos the Titan by arming Bob with the Infinity Palette and also a mighty paint brush only he is worthy to wield. I took a picture of Captain America for reference, adding the palette in place of the shield and the paint brush in place of Mjolnir.

I used my water colour pencils, but in a way I had only used them once before. This was by dabbing a wet paint brush against the pencil itself then brushing the paper. I didn't do it so well this time, you can see a streaky coating on the background and trousers. Additionally the colours seem to look quite muddy; it've still got lots to learn about watercolour painting!

I hope you are entertained by Bobros, have you got an arty supply you need to improve with? Play around and get some practice, one day we'll jump our artistic hurdles!

Saturday 1 February 2020

Did Droey Draw A Kiss?

So here's a fact, I don't think I've ever drawn two characters kissing; let's change that fact!

This illustration takes us back to the days of secondary school, namely West Shores Academy. Winter wasn't far off and the Adrenalin that comes with starting a new year were finally wearing off. Except from Lexi's mission to take charge of the school council, there wasn't much going on that seemed out of the ordinary. That is, except for anyone who knew Droey. This introverted artist had been spending time with a late arrival in the school, Olivia Summers.

Olivia had moved into the country a couple of months ago from America and needed someone to help her settle in, which is where Droey came in at the request of the school staff. Droey had been around for a couple of years, was a model student and had exceptional navigation skills so he seemed to be a perfect fit, but more perfect than anyone expected! Droey and Olivia got on quite well and found themselves getting together by Halloween. This illustration presents their first kiss.

You're probably wondering why if Droey's been on this blog for over three years why Olivia has never been mentioned or hinted at before. The thing about Olivia is that she and Droey were only together for a year because Olivia went back to America after the school year. They tried to keep the relationship going long distance but it wasn't working out; so they became pen-pals. As sad as it was, even before news of Olivia's return to America the others were picking up signs that hinted these two weren't the perfect match that they believed they were.

You weren't expecting this were you? Another first in this piece is the use of my pastel Spectrum Noir markers, which were used for most of the background and the pale blue. On their own these colours are okay, though I would probably find myself using them as base colours to colour on top of with pencils. But there are plenty more Spectrum Noir markers that aren't pastel so I'll have to get my hands on those some time!