Saturday 10 March 2018

She Watched The Meteor

After the success of my first water colour piece in the sketchbook, it was time for a second round. Something a bit more challenging this time. The result is this wonderful piece based on some of my own writing. I won't be providing an extract or explaining where this comes from, but I will paint the picture for you regarding what is going on here.

So this girl is one of three siblings and they live alone in an abandoned facility. She is keeping watch while her younger sisters get some sleep, they can keep watch later on. She passes her time by making origami ninja stars and watching the never changing view, alone with her thoughts. Then suddenly a meteor can be seen falling to earth. She has possibly one of the best views man could of this golden rock that glows it's way down from the stars. She considers waking up her sisters in hopes that they will see it to but decides it's best to let them have their rest. So she keeps this magical moment to herself, wondering just where it came from and what it will look happen when it arrives.

I hope you enjoyed that summary of this illustration, maybe it helps to make the piece feel all the more beautiful.

I used the watercolour pencils before I applied any ink to the illustration. I know some artists try it this way and every so often I don't mind trying it for myself, seeing if I can get any better by doing it this way. While I have yet to succeed, it doesn't hurt to come back to this method. I have kept to only four colours for this piece; black, brown, purple and yellow.

It took a few references to get this masterpiece to be possible and I learnt a bit about drawing window frames, which will help with my more realistic illustrations. There is a bit of experimentation to this piece as well as some home comforts. It was enjoyable to make and the result, while not as tidy as the rest of my work, is still lovely to look at.

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